Mar 22, 2023 | Advisors, Business Strategy, Compensation, Thought Leadership
The Importance of Advisor Tenure According to our proprietary database of 2,634 advisors in 151 banks and credit unions, financial institution-based advisors have been with their current firm for only 5.6 years. That is substantially less than the tenure of...
Aug 5, 2022 | Advisors, Financial Planning, Research
You’ve all met this guy, at an industry conference or at the bar afterwards. Perpetual sceptic. “I don’t see that doing more planning helps an advisor sell more. I know lots of top producers who do no planning, and advisors who do lots of planning but are middling...
May 19, 2022 | Advisors, Industry Trends, Research
Why the Findings of the Annual Industry Checkup Are Downright Frightening The financial institution investment services and insurance community enjoyed its best year in recent memory in 2021, as the nation shook off many of the effects of the COVID 19 pandemic....
Apr 27, 2022 | Advisors, Bank BDs, Banks, Compensation, Credit Unions, Third Party BDs
Comparing the Performance of Advisors Employed by the Institution or Its BD Partner Financial institutions working with third party broker dealers face a choice of employing and managing their financial advisors or outsourcing the employment and management of the...
Jan 6, 2022 | Advisors, Financial Planning, Research
Findings from the 2021 Kehrer Bielan Top Directors Awards Parsing the performance data from the investment services practices in 406 banks and credit unions to identify the 71 best performers provides a window into what makes an investment services firm great.1 One...
Nov 18, 2021 | Advisors, Study Groups
At the fall meeting of the Kehrer Bielan Leadership Study Group in Chapel Hill, Tim Kehrer reiterated the case for increasing financial advisor headcount. “Again and again we find that adding financial advisors is the most promising runway to increasing investment...