Oct 27, 2023 | Business Strategy, Financial Planning, Research, Thought Leadership
Drawing on the rich consumer data in RFI Global’s MacroMonitor, Kehrer Group found that engaging in financial planning is a win for banks and credit unions, a win for their advisors, and a win for their customers and members. From the standpoint of the institution,...
Oct 25, 2023 | Bank BDs, Benchmarking, Industry Trends, Research
New Study Chronicles 20 Years of Mergers and Outsourcing Deals This past year has witnessed an acceleration of the shrinkage of the financial institution-owned broker dealer segment, as banks and credit unions merge or fail, or they outsource the broker dealer...
Oct 18, 2023 | Advisors, Credit Unions
Thicker Advisor Coverage Drives Penetration Not surprisingly, the advisor productivity in credit unions that were finalists for the 2023 Kehrer Group Top Directors Awards sets them apart from their peers. Average revenue per finalist advisor is 50% higher than the...
Oct 11, 2023 | Banks, Business Strategy, Credit Unions, Research, Thought Leadership
Banks and credit unions commonly use profit margin to assess the performance of their investment services businesses. What are the consequences of this management approach for the health of the business? By comparing the performance of firms with wider profit margins...