Investment Director Compensation Study

Much of our compensation research has centered on the advisor.  But that doesn’t mean the leader of the advisors isn’t important.  In fact, the advisor’s immediate manager is often the overriding reason an advisor joins a new firm or stays at their existing firm.  Considering the significance of the investment director role, in 2017 we conducted this research to illustrate the compensation amounts, methods, and drivers of directors’ compensation in firms that utilize third party brokerage firms.

2023–2024 Investment Director Compensation Study

The study encompassed data from over 60 banks and credit unions ranging from $1 million to $20 million in revenue.  It detailed investment directors’:

  • Base salary amounts
  • Incentive amounts
  • Total compensation
  • Compensation as a percentage of revenue
  • Primary incentive drivers
  • Plus other productivity measurements


The proposed study will update the 2017 study. We will obtain compensation plans during the balance of 2023 and early 2024 from dozens of directors, as well as their actual cash and non-cash compensation.  The analysis will be provided to participants in February-March 2024.


If we can secure sponsorship for this research, we would be able to provide the study to participants for free.


Sponsorship fee:  $25,000