Business Strategy
Over the years we have been asked by our clients many variations of the following questions. How do I justify the existence of the investment services unit when it accounts for such a small fraction of the host institution’s total business? And, how do I measure my institution’s opportunity in investment services? Kehrer Group draws on consumer and institutional data to shed light on these questions, providing high-level thought leadership that achieves broad distribution throughout the industry.
Available Business Strategy Reports

Margin Mismatch (2023)*

Impact of an Investment Relationship on Bank Customer Loyalty and Retention (2023)*

The Importance of Client Engagement in Financial Planning (April 2023)*

Optimizing the Use of Sales Assistants (December 2022)

Smart Investment 2: How Investment Services Drives Growth of Banking Services, Supporting a Mass Affluent Strategy (2020)*

Smart Investment: Evaluating the Total Return on Investment Services to the Banking Enterprise (2019)*

Identifying the Traits of New Era Advisors (2019)*

Closing the Back Door: Driving Growth by Stemming Advisor Attrition (2016)*
*Complimentary report